God of Wealth and Release, 

You have given me everything:
the shoes on my feet,
the watch on my wrist,
the air in my lungs.
My very life
depends on your abundance. 

You are Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord Who Provides:
you provided the ram for Abraham and Isaac.
You gave your attention to Hagar,
who gave you a name: You Are
The God Who Sees Me. 

God of Gifts and Many Names,
Please forgive me when
I muck up the flow.
Just as you are Verb
and Trillium Dance,
you want your gifts to move.

Where there is hoarding and gunk,
clogged pipes and rotting piles,
please bring release.

God of Jubilee, I pray for reset.
I pray for sabbath rest
for land and hands cracked
from too much labor. 

I pray for the Good News
of open palms and outstretched fingers,
especially for hands
exhausted from grasping and grip. 

I pray for composted debt ledgers.
I pray for the deer, ants,
and sheep who spread
trillium and clover seeds
in unseen bowels:
You want your gifts to move.

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