The first time I heard the term helpmeet was during a career development conversation with the vice-president of my department at my corporate job. After college, my husband and I had worked hard to establish careers and our family. My performance was stellar, and I...
Against the Grain
When I got the email, it felt like a slap in the face. A cold, disembodied feeling stole over me. All I could say was, “Oh.” My husband and I had recently been embroiled in a debate with our church over the role of women in leadership. With his full support and...
Using the Side Door
A while ago, my mentor challenged me to think about what might happen after I die—more specifically, what heaven might look like. Although middle-aged, I never pondered this mystery before. When I was young, I saw myself as indestructible, protected by the solid shell...
Lauren McGuire
Lauren McGuire has been a writer her whole life but mostly in her journal. In 2016, she began writing formally as a way to deal with the conflict she saw playing out across the cultural landscape. When a friend asked her to consider what eternity in heaven might be like, this became the stepping off point for her first fantasy novel which will seek publication later this year. She writes devotions for church, essays on life growing up in a military family, and is a trained facilitator for Restoring Your Heart curriculum. She lives in Georgia with her high school sweetheart, three children and two dogs. Connect with her on Facebook (lauren.mcguire.7) and Instagram (@lcmcguire), and her blog.