A Letter From the Editor

A Letter From the Editor

Dear Subscribers and Friends, It is with a heavy heart that I want to let you know about the loss of The Redbud Post’s editor-in-chief, JoHannah Reardon, on February 4, 2021, after an 18-month battle with cancer. JoHannah was a longtime Redbud Writers Guild member and...
For Such a Time As This

For Such a Time As This

I paused and looked out over the small crowd of children sitting cross-legged on the floor of the Sunday school room, waiting for their response. I played the role of narrator in a short play about the book of Esther, and as I’d just said the name “Haman,” I was...
The Legacy of Female Prophets

The Legacy of Female Prophets

The Old Testament enthralls me: the poetry, the heat and sand, the incomprehensible language, the culture and mystery (Who was Cain’s wife? What are the Nephilim? What about Pangea and the dinosaurs?). But the characters I am supposed to identify most closely with—the...
At Jael’s Feet

At Jael’s Feet

“Most blessed of women be Jael,     the wife of Heber the Kenite,     most blessed of tent-dwelling women.” The sun was peeking over the edge of the mountain ridge when the rumblings started. Jael looked up from the fire she was kindling to bake the day’s bread. In...
Their Voices Mattered to Jesus and Still Do

Their Voices Mattered to Jesus and Still Do

The Bible tells us that Jesus was countercultural. His Jewish upbringing and the mores of his day tell us that he lived in a world with many boundaries between races, religions, and also gender. The life of women in biblical times was oppressive. In this patriarchal...
Let’s Create Divorce Ceremonies, Church!

Let’s Create Divorce Ceremonies, Church!

Wedding Ceremonies usually happen in a church or with a minister. The celebratory union of two lives is blessed by God, sealed by vows, and witnessed by family and friends. In contrast, divorces happen in a courtroom with a judge. There is no blessing, a gavel seals,...

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