Imagination Itself: Learning to Truly See

Imagination Itself: Learning to Truly See

On February 20, 1883, the New York Times ran a quirky, little page 3 story about a Mrs. Mary McMullen, residing at 2nd Avenue and 34th Street, who complained to the Board of Health about “an intolerable stench” in her neighborhood. Having grown up on a farm, I know a...

Looking at Earth and Seeing Heaven Instead

Looking at Earth and Seeing Heaven Instead

It was a warm November day, the leaves had only recently begun to turn, and the maples along our street were blazing in deep reds and oranges. The air smelled earthy, pungent, and I could hear the crackle of the fall leaves beneath my feet even over the podcast on my...

Kindness of Truth-telling

Kindness of Truth-telling

“The Lord Almighty grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end. Amen.” I begin again through the Compline liturgy, trying to integrate this ancient practice into my bedtime routine. Praying through these lines each night is new to me, a nod toward the start of a new...

For Such a Time As This

For Such a Time As This

I paused and looked out over the small crowd of children sitting cross-legged on the floor of the Sunday school room, waiting for their response. I played the role of narrator in a short play about the book of Esther, and as I’d just said the name “Haman,” I was...

Giving in a Time of Scarcity

Giving in a Time of Scarcity

We were headed to our first week of drive-thru church during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our pastor preached online that Sunday morning, and during the afternoon the congregation was invited to drive through the parking lot to take communion from their cars and drop off...

I’m Here for Them, Too

I’m Here for Them, Too

“He liked BINGO,” Mom told me between bites of lemon oregano chicken. “What’s that?” I asked. Mom’s dysarthria, an unwelcome leftover from her stroke four years ago, sometimes makes it hard for me to understand her. “Can you say it again?” “He liked BINGO,” Mom...

All in on Resurrection

All in on Resurrection

I plant seeds on a cold February day, imagining a garden some months in the future. I pinch the tiny seeds out of their packets, some no bigger than a flake of black pepper, carefully pushing them beneath the soil in the miniature peat pots. I water them “generously,”...

Charity Craig
Charity Singleton Craig is a writer, author, and speaker, telling stories of faith, hope, and love through essays, articles, books, and presentations. She is the author of The Art of the Essay: From Ordinary Life to Extraordinary Words, a contributor to The Wonder Years: 40 Women over 40 on Aging, Faith, Beauty, and Strength, the author of My Year in Words: what I learned from choosing one word a week for one year, and coauthor of On Being a Writer: 12 Simple Habits for a Writing Life That Lasts. She is a two-time recipient of the Arts in the Parks and Historic Sites Grant from the Indiana Arts Commission and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, to write about the state parks and present writing programs to park visitors. She is regularly featured in Edible Indy and In Touch Magazine, and her work also has been published at Redbud Post, InCourage, The Joyful Life, Fathom Magazine, Christianity Today, The High Calling, Discipleship Journal, Tweetspeak Poetry, The Write Life, and Grubstreet Daily. Charity also is a freelance writer and editor, helping individuals, businesses, and organizations write their own stories. She lives with her husband and three stepsons in central Indiana. You can find her online at

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