Ask Me What I [Don’t] Know

Ask Me What I [Don’t] Know

What do we see when we look at others’ faces? We notice the outward appearance, whether we wish to or not. Skin color, eye color, clothing, and so on, are apparent features that are obvious and difficult to pretend we do not see. What we cannot see or know from the...
A Silhouette of Marriage

A Silhouette of Marriage

My father and I shared our minds and Musings one late crisp eve. He beckoned my eyes to descry in the distance A silhouette of symmetry. A towering tree loomed in the darkness. Its branches clouded, its treetop round, Perfectly shaped as by a sculptor’s hand. To a...
How Contagious Is Our Faith?

How Contagious Is Our Faith?

We couldn’t understand but a few words of the mass but the beautiful, flowing Arabic was music to our ears, rising up to the heavens along with the sweet-smelling incense. Not only was the language new to our ears, having only studied it for a couple months, but this...

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