My father and I shared our minds and
Musings one late crisp eve.
He beckoned my eyes to descry in the distance
A silhouette of symmetry.

A towering tree loomed in the darkness.
Its branches clouded, its treetop round,
Perfectly shaped as by a sculptor’s hand.
To a secret, this tree was bound.

The night awoke and rose from its slumber,
The sky brightening that sweet silhouette.
The light yawned, a discovery dawned;
The tree revealed to be a duet.

Two statues, standing as if arms adjoined.
The pair—a sweetgum, an evergreen.
My father, spying their kind and more,
Said a parallel could be seen.

These two trees, a portrait of two wedded,
Though each unique, they have grown together.
No two trees could be more different
In shade, in leaf, but joined the better.

The trees, seen as a single silhouette,
A bond of two paired alongside.
As in marriage, two darlings in union,
Through time and turbulence abide.

Whether life is beaming and brilliant,
Or cold and harsh as nighttime,
Two lovers, they are in triumph beheld,

Coupled for a lifetime.

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