Dear Readers,
It’s been a year, hasn’t it? We’re still dealing with Covid. We’ve lost some notable people like Loretta Lynn and Queen Elizabeth, and many of us have lost people only notable to us. And we feel their loss deeply.

But we’ve also experienced some amazing progress. Writer Maya Angelou became the first Black woman to be featured on a U.S. quarter. We saw increases in the populations of some endangered species, like the Monarch butterfly and Humpback whale. And we got some amazing images from the deep space James Webb telescope, reminding us of the vastness of the universe and the majesty of our great God.  

And that’s why we’re here at the Redbud Writers Guild. The Redbud Post, written exclusively by Redbud members, provides thoughtful, biblical, and feminine perspectives on literature, theology, church, ministry, leadership and culture. This month, we are celebrating the best of the best from 2022. We are again presenting those articles that elicited the most comments from you, our readers.

I hope that you will read them all again, on topics ranging from Curiosity and Imagination to Transitions to Reconstructing Faith. Encourage your friends, men and women alike, to subscribe to The Post and come back each month to see what our writers are sharing. And as always, let us know what you think.

May you have a blessed Christmas season as you celebrate the coming of Jesus.

Stephanie Reeves

Editor in Chief

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