There’s a bumper-sticker slogan that says, “If God seems distant, guess who moved.” Pithy, right? But not very helpful.
We often struggle to feel that God is near. Hardships, depression, busyness, pride. These are all things that can veil God’s face to us. When the skies are blue, we feel we can see God more clearly; but when they’re dark and grey, we struggle to see him.
In this month’s collection of articles by Redbud writers, we strive to show you how God is present in all things: a garden, a beating heart, nature, sadness. There is no part of us that God cannot see, and there is no part of us that he doesn’t already know intimately. And he still loves us and desires to be with us. And when we are in his presence, there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).
Brother Lawrence, in his classic collection of letters titled The Practice of the Presence of God, says, “The presence of God is, then, the life and nourishment of the soul, which can be acquired with the grace of God.”
As you soak in each article this month, may God remind you every moment that you are never far from his presence, that it is as close as your breath, more visible in the freezing cold of winter than in the summer warmth.
Stephanie Reeves