Tissue Box Confessional

Tissue Box Confessional

I was led into the conference room and seated at a massive table that filled most of the room. The solitary item on the table, a tissue box, was the first thing to catch my eye. Foreshadowing shows up in real life too, not just the movies.  I didn’t want to be sitting...
The Church & Sex

The Church & Sex

I was 14 when I was first pressured to have sex with my boyfriend. As a young impressionable woman without the moral guidelines of the Bible, I allowed romance movies and novels to provide the lens through which I interpreted the meaning of sex. It was clearly 1)...
Choosing Growth & Grace

Choosing Growth & Grace

I sneak out early to the deck, before anyone is awake. There’s an old plastic lawn chair, and beside it an antique white and black enamel table where I set my first cup of coffee. I bring my Bible, but instead of reading, I watch the lake and talk to God. There is a...
Battling the Lies

Battling the Lies

There is a significant age difference between my boss and me. Me:17. Him: I don’t know, really, maybe in his 40s—old enough to be married, to be a manager, to have his own office. Still, I consider him a friend. We chat, banter, and sometimes things get a little too...
A Cassette Tape Gave Me the Sex Talk

A Cassette Tape Gave Me the Sex Talk

My mother gave me the sex talk in fourth grade, only after my public-school teacher had shown the class an educational video on the topic, to my evangelical parents’ horror. So, to correct my public school’s overreach, my mother planned an excursion for her and me:...

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