Birthing Art

Birthing Art

We are told that in the beginning, God brought something out of nothing. Out of silence and darkness, out of ponderous expectation, came forests, waterfalls, and antelopes. We are then told something more amazing—that humankind bears a unique likeness, endowed with...

Blessed Sadness

Blessed Sadness

I began reading a book this fall titled Healing Through the Dark Emotions, where author Miriam Greenspan offers insights into the healing properties of what many of us deem “negative” emotions. She argues, from a mostly secular and therapeutic viewpoint, that instead...

Divine Hospitality

Divine Hospitality

I keep thinking about bodies lately. My own as I pick something I can control, scrubbing my kitchen floor furiously, convinced that keeping it clean can fix things, change things, make things better. I think about my mother-in-law Nancy’s body, beginning its swift...

Alyson Pryor
Alyson Pryor is a writer, speaker, Marriage and Family therapist, and mother of 5. She holds degrees in Psychology from both The University of Southern California and Fuller Theological Seminary. She most often covers topics at the intersection of faith and psychology including health, relationships, soul care, mentoring, parenting and crises of faith. Although she has a soft spot for MOPS, you can also find her speaking at conferences, retreats, church services and parenting seminars. She is currently writing a book about implementing the traditional Spiritual Disciplines in the modern family setting. Connect on Instagram @mypryorlife

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