by Ilona Hadinger | Dec 1, 2020 | Faith and Culture
The meeting was said to be scandalous, forbidden by the community. It was also a meeting divinely orchestrated by God so that his good news would be preached and that the brokenhearted would find healing. True to himself, the Almighty would prove that he indeed is...
by Ilona Hadinger | Feb 29, 2016 | Literature
The pilgrim psalm, a cry of pleading, Hail the Lamb, soon bleeding. Hosanna! Save us! Blessed is he who has come. On a virginal colt, to Jerusalem mounted, costly redemption, carefully counted. Palm branches flutter, royalty shown to a King who stepped away from his...
by Ilona Hadinger | Jul 17, 2014 | Spiritual Growth, Writing
As cross-cultural missionaries, one of the questions most asked of my husband and I is, “How can we pray for you?” Christians know that prayer is a powerful way to support, network with, and/or minister to another person. As James writes, prayer “has great power as it...