Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Dear Reader, It’s ironic that I would say that I’m not very good at being contemplative, seeing as I’m a writer and the senior editor for a meditation app. (Insert eye-roll emoji here.) I don’t mind silence. Where the rest of my family likes to have music in their...
What Is a Contemplative Life?

What Is a Contemplative Life?

The idea of pondering, meditating, and contemplating runs counter-culturally to the five- and ten-minute devotionals making their way around social media and arriving in inboxes daily. There’s nothing inherently wrong with those types of readings or videos, especially...
Solitude and the Contemplative Life

Solitude and the Contemplative Life

In the life of a Christian, we often hear sermons on the spiritual disciplines of the rhythms we need to practice—prayer, worship, Scripture, mission, and community. But the process of contemplation is unique. It requires us to lay down our desperate need for a life...
Prayer Beyond Words

Prayer Beyond Words

I have a good earthly father; one I still call “Daddy” though I am past 40. I grew up thinking of God as my good heavenly father. I’ve never doubted, even when suffering came, that God knew what was best for me.  And yet, I struggled to see myself as his loved child...

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