by Amber Riggs | Oct 1, 2022 | Faith and Culture
The helplessness hurt my heart. My best friend’s healthy 39-year old husband had been sick for less than a week when Covid landed him on life-support. He’s a pastor with a young family. Surely God will heal him. Thousands of us prayed. Days later, a helicopter flew...
by Amber Riggs | Aug 1, 2022 | Uncategorized
Changing jobs during the pandemic wasn’t part of my plan. But like millions of other women, I found myself leaving familiar territory and learning to navigate new skills and new terrain. And at times, this new space has felt like a disorienting wilderness. Even though...
by Amber Riggs | Sep 1, 2021 | Faith and Culture
According to Guinness World Records, “There is little doubt that the Bible is the world’s best-selling and most widely distributed book.” And yet, for a book acclaimed for the teachings of Jesus, its readers—and teachers—have vastly different ideas of what it...
by Amber Riggs | Mar 1, 2021 | Faith and Culture
If the pandemic were an experiment, mad scientists would designate my family as part of the “control” group. After all, my husband and I have both worked from home for years, and I’ve homeschooled our four children for almost a decade. We haven’t had to navigate the...