I sneak out early to the deck, before anyone is awake. There’s an old plastic lawn chair, and beside it an antique white and black enamel table where I set my first cup of coffee. I bring my Bible, but instead of reading, I watch the lake and talk to God. There is a...
Diane McElwain
Diane McElwain began writing as a teenager, after the tragic death of a young
person she knew. At fourteen, her testimony was included in a religious publication.
Since then she has published many articles and short stories for children and adults in
numerous periodicals including such religious publications as Regular Baptist Press, The
Baptist Bulletin, and The Baptist Voice. Her recent articles have been at Chronic Joy
Ministries and Redbud Writer’s Guild. In 2011, she began a nature/photography blog
called Keep a sharp eye. You can find her blogging at dianejmcelwain.com.