Darcy Wiley is a writer and spiritual director who cultivates empathy, imagination, and a profound experience of God in the world. As co-writer of The Yes Effect: Accepting God’s Invitation to Transform the World Around You, Darcy worked with the founder of the 10/40 Window Movement to share stories of renewal and reconciliation in communities all over the globe. Her second co-writing project, Hearing in Technicolor: Mindset Shifts within a Multicultural Congregation, tells the transformation story of a multicultural church in the Atlanta area. Darcy is a thoughtful listener who companions readers and directees toward emotional, spiritual, and cultural flourishing. She enjoys hiking at state parks, tending her edible garden, dabbling in abstract art, and making music with her drummer husband and friends. She lives and serves in the Indianapolis area where she and her husband are raising three high-energy kids to be curious and compassionate citizens of the world. Connect with Darcy on Instagram @DarcyWiley and at darcywiley.com.