When I began blogging it was a very solitary experience. Yes, I was putting work out there for the internet to see, but for the most part it was largely written in isolation and then sent out to a void with very little feedback. Which was fine at first. Still is much...
Aleah Marsden
Aleah Marsden is a writer, speaker, and Bible study leader who is passionate about seeing women walk into all the plans God has for them. Her writing can be found in publications like The Banner and Books & Culture, as well as a handful of devotionals in the new NIV Bible for Women: Fresh Insights for Thriving in Today’s World (Zondervan, 2015). She has spoken at numerous women’s events, moms’ groups, and retreats. Aleah is grateful for the opportunities the Lord has provided for her to share the gifts He’s given her. She blogs about life, faith, and Bible study at DepthOfTheRiches.com. Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter: @aleahmarsden.