Wasting Time

Wasting Time

Moms tend to be preoccupied with time. Or more precisely, with time management. The moms in the MOPS group I coordinate ask for a time management speaker every semester, worried by the way the days seem to stretch out forever yet also mysteriously elapse while they’re...
The Investment of Time

The Investment of Time

My older cousin visited us on our recent trip to India. She was thrilled to see our family and wanted to do something nice for us. She tried to take us shopping and buy us some new clothes. Since we were in town for a short break and didn’t need new clothes, I...
Time Waits for No Man

Time Waits for No Man

I don’t remember where I first heard this quote from Geoffrey Chaucer, “Time waits for no man,” but I do know it resonates more today than whenever I first heard it. The original quote states that not only does time not wait for anyone, but it also claims, “Time and...
The Biggest Hindrance to Creativity Isn’t Time

The Biggest Hindrance to Creativity Isn’t Time

Not long ago, I surveyed my subscribers to my newsletter about creativity. I asked, “What roadblocks keep you from doing the creative things you enjoy?” It wasn’t even a contest. Forty percent of those surveyed said “time.” Which is understandable: there are limited...
A Wrong Number … or Not?

A Wrong Number … or Not?

I really don’t consider myself a generous person, but maybe that’s because when I think of generosity, I’m usually thinking about money. But we can be generous with other things as well. And one thing we all have is time—a precious commodity. Too often, we tell...

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