by Amy Rasmussen | Aug 1, 2023 | Faith and Culture
I’m exhausted. Watching Ben Shapiro recently set fire to Barbie, Ken, and a pink convertible invoked a new level of tired. The 43-minute protest of the Barbie movie causes many concerns, not just over his meltdown, humanly speaking, but about a culture in which...
by Jennifer Kinard | Nov 1, 2022 | Faith and Culture
I’m the daughter of a praying mother, a woman who always keeps a prayer list by her bedside. As a child, I often snuck into her room to see what she was praying for me. “Attitude change? Patience?” I would read, bristling, not at the suggestion that I had a bad...
by Liz Charlotte Grant | Aug 1, 2020 | Leadership
The Old Testament enthralls me: the poetry, the heat and sand, the incomprehensible language, the culture and mystery (Who was Cain’s wife? What are the Nephilim? What about Pangea and the dinosaurs?). But the characters I am supposed to identify most closely with—the...
by Emily Gibson | Jun 1, 2017 | Memoir
Late winter is often particularly dark and dank. My doldrums are deep; the brief respite of sun and warmth too rare. Cranky, I put one foot ahead of the other, get done what needs to be done, oblivious to subtle renewal around me, refusing to believe even in the...