A Slowness to Let Go

A Slowness to Let Go

The poem “Mourners” by Ted Kooser,1 about folks meeting at a funeral, ends with the following lines: They came this afternoon to say goodbye, but now they keep saying hello and hello, peering into each other’s faces, slow to let go of each other’s hands. In this poem,...
Tears: God’s Gift in Grief

Tears: God’s Gift in Grief

I’ve always been a crier—the one who teared up at a sappy movie or tearjerker book ending, at sweet moments and frustrating disappointments. But I never knew a body could cry so many tears until my husband died suddenly. There had been no notice, no sign that anything...
Suffering’s Invitation: Lament

Suffering’s Invitation: Lament

I sit on a black leather couch next to my husband, Kevin, in our grief-counselor’s office. A box of Kleenex rests on a small coffee table in front of us, and one of those framed pieces of coffee-shop art—a black and white photograph of rough-hewn hands holding coffee...

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