Community ● faith ● culture

Redbud Writers Guild

We envision a vibrant and diverse movement of Christian women who create in community and who influence culture and faith.

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Time Out from the Practice of Hurry

Time Out from the Practice of Hurry

“Do you always read to your kids like that?” she queried. My friend was referring to my rendition of a Dr. Seuss classic delivered at tongue-twister speed from a rocking chair in the church nursery: “Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a mouse?...

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Dunes, Desert, and the Sands of Time

Dunes, Desert, and the Sands of Time

We live on a sand dune high above Lake Michigan. Over time, the landscape changes entirely, eroded and caressed by calm and storm alike. Mostly rugged, sometimes docile, its environment is never static, always blowing, moving, and changing in westerly gales that send...

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Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

As we approach the holiday season, the word “joy” will be more prominent as we celebrate Jesus, who brought joy to the world. As you read this issue and contemplate the writers’ words, consider your won definition of “joy.” 

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About us

Redbud Writers Guild is an international community of Christian women who envision a vibrant and diverse movement of women who create in community and who influence culture and faith. Redbud members strive to change the world with words as we foster a safe sisterhood of creatives who thrive in a non-competitive, supportive community.

Redbud Writers Guild

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Everbloom is a compilation of essays written by Redbud writers. All proceeds support Redbud scholarships.



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New Member Applications will be open October 1-30, 2024

*Check back here for a link to the new application!

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We envision a vibrant and diverse movement of Christian women who create in community and who influence culture and faith.


Redbud nurtures a community of Christian women who create rather than merely consume. We are a diverse group of authors, writers and speakers who communicate in order to empower women to use their voices to be world-changers. We are committed to supporting all Redbud members. We create and maintain community by meeting regularly, connecting through social media outlets, and networking through our various channels of influence.

Fostering conversations about faith, Writing and culture

© 2010-2025 Redbud Writers Guild. All Rights Reserved.

Redbud is a 501c3. Join us in our mission. Funds support scholarships, events, and publications.

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