The Bible, like life, is rife with stories of gender-based violence. Abuse. Enslavement. Rape. Murder. Torture. Kidnappings. Forced marriages. Exploitation. It is there, in all its horrifying depravity, and the stories hint at realities that are even worse. Realities that untold numbers of women around the world are all too familiar with.
These texts become a stumbling block for many people—those who are unable to reconcile the ugliness of the stories with the beauty of a loving God. Why don’t the biblical authors roundly condemn every instance of such behavior? Why do they sometimes seem to approve of it, glory in it, or even on rare occasion, insinuate that it is God’s will?
While the Bible is the inspired Word of God, it is important to understand that it shows up dressed in humanity’s dirty laundry far more often than most of us would like. Just as Jesus, the ultimate Word of God, took on the constraints of human flesh and limited himself to a place and time in human history during his sojourn on earth, the written Word uses the particularities of language, culture, and context to communicate with human beings in the only way we are capable of understanding. And human language, culture, and context can be ugly, especially when viewed in retrospect.
Could God devise a way to download God’s perfect will about every situation directly into our brains? Certainly. Could we withstand it, much less comprehend it, in our current unglorified state? Certainly not. In Exodus 33, God tells Moses that God will cause all his goodness to pass in front of him and proclaim the holy name in his presence. But Moses will have to hide in a rock cleft and only catch a glimpse of God’s back, because no one could see God’s face and live. Just as we see by the light of the sun, but cannot stare directly into it, God is too much for us without some sort of filter to accommodate our humanity. Since we cannot raise ourselves to God’s level, God meets us where we are, mired in the grit and grime of this world. God is patient with us as we undergo the slow process of transformation that will not be fully realized until Jesus comes again and makes all things new. And so the wisdom of God comes to us wrapped in the words and stories of humanity, and those who have ears, let them hear.
Since stories about gender-based violence are as common as water, in the Scriptures and in our world, it may be interesting to look at a story where the script was flipped. Where the counter-narrative of women won out for once and was a cause for rejoicing. And no one knew how to flip the script like Deborah and Jael.
You may have heard the story. Judges 4:4 leads off with this startling statement: “Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time.” Wow! The understated way in which the author communicates this suggests that this situation wasn’t as shocking as later generations would find it. Indeed, women often have more influence in tribal societies than in nations with a strong central government. But in any case, Deborah was functioning as Israel’s spiritual and civic leader, just as Moses had done before her, and Samuel would do after her. A bully named Sisera, who commanded nine hundred iron chariots, had been oppressing God’s people for the last twenty years, and Deborah was fed up. She sent for one of Israel’s warriors, a man named Barak, and told him to gather an army and engage Sisera on the shores of the Kishon River, near Mount Tabor. Barak said he would only do it if she went with him, and Deborah told him that if he was going to be that way, the glory for this fight would go to a woman.
Enter Jael.
The battle went down just as Deborah had said it would. Barak and Deborah mustered Israel’s armies, God went out before them and routed the Canaanites, and Sisera wound up fleeing on foot “to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, because there was an alliance between Jabin king of Hazor and the family of Heber the Kenite” (Judges 4:17). Jael, apparently, had no such alliance in her own heart.
There is a danger in reading too much into Scripture, ascribing motives to people that are not clearly spelled out. There is also a danger in not reading enough into Scripture—of spending so much time gazing at the dazzling surface that you miss the depths beneath. The undertones of Jael’s story writhe with fury, and the sexual innuendo is hard to miss. One has to wonder. Was Jael a victim of Sisera’s cruelty? Was she a sister, or a daughter, or a friend of someone who was?
Jael went out to lure the fleeing commander into her tent, enjoined him not to be afraid, and tucked him into her bed. When he asked for water, she gave him a soothing skin of warm milk, and then stood guard at the entrance—until he had fallen asleep. Then Jael took up a hammer, crept over to the bed, and impaled the Canaanite commander with a tent peg. The Book of Biblical Antiquities, an ancient source of extra-biblical legends written around the time of Jesus, has Sisera crying out, “I die like a woman!” and Jael telling Sisera, “Go, boast before your father in hell, and tell him you have fallen into the hands of a woman.”
In a macabre twist of poetic justice, a lone, vulnerable woman impaled the powerful aggressor in her bed. And the Israelites went wild with joy. The Song of Deborah, immortalized in Judges 5, waxes poetic about Jael’s conquest, calling her “most blessed of women” and describing the slaying in gory detail. The song ironically imagines Sisera’s mother waiting and worrying at her windowsill, and her handmaidens comforting her with the idea that Sisera must still be dividing the spoils, “a woman or two for each man” (Judges 5:30). But not today, Satan! Jael flipped the script, and it was glorious.
Now, I am not saying that violence should be met with violence or that women should run around impaling rapists with tent pegs. But this is one instance in which the Bible gives us a glimpse into a female revenge fantasy, without moralizing about violence. The female counter-narrative won out, and there is a deeper symbolism to this story that we will look at in just a bit.
But Jael’s story isn’t the norm, is it? For every woman celebrated for outfoxing a predator, there are countless victims. Jael’s story may make us want to cheer, but it is just tit for tat, with the scales falling on the side that looks more like justice for once. And while Jael’s actions may have spared some innocent lives, in the end, tit for tat will destroy us all. No, if we’re going to address the epidemic of violence in general, and gender-based violence in particular, we can’t rely on outraged women wielding weapons. We need something more.
What if, instead of the male narrative or the female narrative, God’s narrative won out? What would that look like?
Find this story compelling? Read more! This is excerpted from From Risk to Resilience: How Empowering Young Women Can Change Everything.
Thank you for taking on the violence against women in the Bible. When I taught 3rd grade Bible study, the focus was on Old Testament. I always spent a week on Deborah and Jael. The kids like the twist (and the spike through the head) but it also opened up discussion on war and violence. And powerful, bold women.
And there is a parillel between the historical account of Deborah and Jael and the recent historical account of Terra Newell. John Meehan (her stepfather) attacked her in a parking lot, with a knife. Her dog Cash(Who was with her.) began to bite John’s ankles while he was trying to harm her. He ended.up stabbing her in her arm and her ribcage and her chest, in the fight both ended up on the ground with Cash still trying to help Terra by continueing to bite his ankles, John was on top of her about to finish Her off and was about to stab her again but the spirit of Our Heavenly Father came upon her and she was able to kick the knife out of John’s hand and it landed in an ice pick position, she immediately picked it up and began stabbing John with it and and she stabbed him thirteen times and once in the forehead and in the left eye and into his brain! John lived for four days while unconscious in a hospital bed from Terra stabbing him, and died on August 24th 2016, the attack happened on August 20th 2016. And Terra was also taken to the hospital and her injeries were treated and they healed and she left the hospital with her pride unscard and intacked. And her mother’s name is Deborah(Just like Deborah in the Bible in the book of judges!). And The Heavenly Father gave Terra a vision that she would be the one to slay John Meehan! And the thing about John is that he spent years abusing women and when he attacked one he ended up being killed by a woman! So this is poetic justice just like how Jael killed Sisera, and his death was prophisied by Our Heavenly Father that it would be done by a woman he also prophiesed that John would be killed by a woman, so the spirit of Deborah and Jael still lives on in today’s women!
Check out and share my comments!
And Nichola Herschell not only stabbed Lcpl Leslie Metcalfe(Of 1st Battalion The Royal Tank Regiment.) in the heart, but all the way through the heart! ( This happened near his base at RAF Honington, Suffolk where he met her after he returened from Afghanistan to England.) He was taken to a hospital, than transferred to another hospital were he got emergency heart surgery but that didn’t work because after the emergency surgery to his heart,he still died by her hand on March 17th 2011, never mess with a mother or her child!!! And to all you young men respect your mothers, because you never know what they had to do to make sure you were safe when you all were helpless little babies! So now that you all are grown up and strong, young and healthy fit men, it is time for all of you to take care and protect you mothers as they did for you all! And always show them respect!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look up dirty john! Terra Newell killed him in self defence in a hand to hand fight!
And Barak was not a coward because he is mentioned in Hebrews 11:29 as being a man of faith and also Jael( just like Terra Newell) killed Sisera in self defense and to defend her honor because he had raped her or was going to do it again, that’s why she is blessed among women in the tents, and her protector and husband Heber wasn’t there to defend her or he may have not have cared at all about his wife.
And also there is another similar story to the story of Jael and it’s about a woman named Susan Kuhnhausen who killed a military Veteran named Ed Haffey,who was hired by her husband to murder her! This was in her house after she had just come home from work and he was hiding behind her bedroom door and he came out from hiding, and started to attack her from behind with a claw hammer and hit her in the head several times, she aventually got the.hammer from him snd hit him in the head four times. The fight lasted up to fifteen minutes and at one point she had both of her hands around his neck and demanded him to tell her who sent him to murder her, but as she was squeezing his throat his face turned purple than blue she was freaked out by that and realeased him and tried to get away, but the man kept on attacking her and knocked her down onto the floor and he stood over her with a hammer and was about to kill her but just like Jael and Terra, Our Heavenly Father also increased her strength and she pulled him down onto the floor where she was and put him in a sleeper hold. He tried to turn her over but he couldn’t so she tightened her grip which crushed his throat, and he died. After that Susan picked up the hammer and went to a naighbor’s house to call the police, the irony is that je murdered his ex girlfriend Georgia Lee Dutton on Febuary 28th 1991 and fifteen years later he tried to do the same thing to Susan but he ended up dying by her hands! He murdered a woman than fifteen years later he is killed by a woman that he was trying to murder, now this is liturally poetic justice from Our Heavenly Father! There is this other story about this other evil man named Akku Yadav who raped women young girls in India where he lived. All of the 200 women that he had raped ended up killing him in a courtroom to regain thier pride and honor as women! He liturally died by the hands of 200 women! And there is this one other story in judges a few chapters later about this evil man named Abimelech who at the end in a city called Thebez he tried to murder a bunch of women who where in a tower trying to protect themselves from him. After he had fought against the tower and defeated all of the men on the roof of the tower, he went up to the door of the tower to burn it down with all of the women inside, but one of the women threw down a piece of a millstone upon his head liturally broke open his skull! Like the other women, The Heavenly Father also increased her strength as well! Abimelech in anger cries out to his armourbearor to kill him so that no one would know that a woman actually killed him “And his youngman thrust him through, and he died.” But according to 2 Samuel 11:21 Abimelech still died by the hands of one of the women that he was trying to murder” Who smote Abimelech the son of jerubbesheth? Did not a woman cast a piece of a millstone upon him from the wall, that he died in Thebez? why went ye nigh the wall? Then say thou, Thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.” So Abimelech died by the hand of a woman that he was trying to murder. All of these women i have mentioned all have fighting spirits, when they where faced with danger they all pravailed because of thier courage and strength and The Heavenly Father was with them!
And when you said violence should not be met with violence, you were wrong because fighting back and defending yourself from harm is not violence, that’s way what Jael did to Sisera was righteous and Our Heavenly Father approved of what she had to do, I will show you proof that Jael was innocent and Sisera was guilty!
And the women that killed Yadav used kitchen knives to kill him, and the knife that Meehan used to attack terra was also a kitchen knife as well!
And the women that killed Yadav used kitchen knives and stones to kill him, and the knife that Meehan used to attack terra was also a kitchen knife as well!
Amd also the women that killed Yadav, cut off his penis! And Haffey had a near leathal dose of cocain in his system when he attacked Susan,but he was still very strong which is why Our Heavenly Father gave her extra strength, so that she could overpower him and kill him, otherwise her story would’ve ended very badly for her!
Amd also the women that killed Yadav, cut off his penis! And Haffey had a near leathal dose of cocain in his system when he attacked Susan,but he was still very strong which is why Our Heavenly Father gave her extra strength, so that she could overpower him and kill him, otherwise her story would’ve ended very badly!
And there is this British woman named Samantha Jones who killed her drunk husband John Jones by mistake in defending herself and she killed him with a kitchen knife because that’s where the fight happened! Since this happened in 2018 she was accused of murder and went to jail for three years and was just realeased this year after they found out that she was innocent.
Just like Joan Little and the 200 women in India, Jael killed Sisera to prevent him from raping her because Judges ch 5 says that he died between her legs and some translations of Judges 5 say he died at her feet!
The account of Abimelech and how a woman killed him in self defence can be found in judges ch9, Susan Kunhnhausen weighed about 230 pounds while Ed Haffey the military man that she killed in self defence weighed 190 pounds. But like i said, Our Heavenly Father gave her devine strength directly from him so that she could kill her attacker, just as he did all of the other women that i have mentioned! And Akku Yadav`s real name is Bharat Kalicharan.
The account of Abimelech and how a woman killed him in self defence can be found in judges ch9, Susan Kuhnhausen weighed about 230 pounds while Ed Haffey the military man that she killed in self defence weighed 190 pounds. But like i said, Our Heavenly Father gave her devine strength directly from him so that she could kill her attacker, just as he did all of the other women that i have mentioned! And Akku Yadav`s real name is Bharat Kalicharan.
And the reason why Ed Haffey attacked susan was because her husband Micheal Kuhnhausen(Who died in prison in 2014 due to natural causes.) hired him to murder her so that he could get the house him snd susan lived in so that he could make money off of it, and agreed to pay Haffey $50,000 dollars ( Susan’s life insurance money.) if he did the job. And Bharat Kalicharan was lynched in Nagpur District Court in Vidarbha, which is in Maharashtra India.
I made a mistake, Began is in Hebrews 11:32 for being a real man and doing what Our Heavenly Father told him to do and Ed Haffey weighs 180 pounds!
I made a mistake, Barak is in Hebrews 11:32 for being a real man and doing what Our Heavenly Father told him to do, and Ed Haffey weighs 180 pounds!
And there is this woman named Yasemin Cakal who killed her husband Ozkan Kaynakli in self defence, because he was trying to strangle her with a belt and also pushing their child at the same time so she immediately grabbed a kitchen knife that was sitting on thier kitchen table and stabbed him with it, and he died! He had been systematically violent with her, unfortunately she was taken to prison for what she had to do to protect herself and her child and was in there for three years and eventually realeased almost five years ago! (The fight happened in 2014 and she was realeased from prison in July of 2017!) Thank Our Heavenly Father that she was realeased, because she did what any normal thinking woman (As well as any person!) would do in that situation!
Back in 1884 there was this guy named Thomas Hilliard who choked his sister in law Ann Curry by the throat and then pushed her to a fireside chair. Fearing for her safety she grabbed a poker stick and Our Heavenly Father increasedvher strength and struck him on the head,leaving a fatal wound! She then escaped his grip and he stumbled and fell backwards on his head, after he got himself up he went to the bentley’s house on Silver street. After he left, he went home and went his bedroom and the next day his family found him on the floor dead. His lungs,kidneys and liver were diseased and his stomach was inflamed(And the court believed that this is also what led to his death, but it was the strength Our Heavenly Father gave to her that was the cause of his death!). Ann Curry was taken to court but then the jury found later that she was innocent and free to go home!
Ann Curry in self defence grabbed a poker stick and struck Thomas Hilliard on the head and he died the next day! Our Heavenly Father gave her supernatural strength at the time she needed it, which is why Thomas Hilliard died by the hand of this woman that he was trying to harm! So she was found not guilty and she went home!
On March 16th 2011 there was this woman named Nichola Herschell who killed her boyfriend named Leslie Metcalfe(Who was a military guy like Sisera, Abimelech and Ed Haffey!) in self defence (After he got back to her house they both had an argument which led to the voilent altercation that he started when he went upstairs with a kitchen knife and went to her two year old boy’s room!) with his own kitchen knife and also to protect her two year old son that he threatened by holding the knife up to his head and when she was trying to stop him he wrestled her to the ground and grabbed her throat and sqweezed very hard! The knife that was in his left hand ended up in her left hand because she had literally wrestled the knife from him! And while he continued to sqweeze her neck, but Our Heavenly Father increased her strength and she stabbed him three times in the chest and abdomen, and she accidently stabbed him in the heart! Afterwards he staggered out of her house, bleeding from the chest saying “My girlfriend has stabbed me.” He died the next day after being taken to a hospital and while or after going through heart surgery due from the stab wound to his heart that was given to him in self defence by Nichola! She was arrested for suspicion of murder but was later released without charge, because it was in self defence and in defence of her son this is a true mama bear! And also he was drunk when he came back to her house and attacked her and her 2 year old son! ( As was Thomas Hilliard when he attacked Ann Curry!)
Edward Dalton Haffey did not actually kill his ex girlfriend Georgia Lee Dutton, but he played a part in her murder and the guy who murdered her went to jail as well as Haffey in March of 1994(three years after her murder.)Ed Haffey was released in November of 2003. Than in 2006 he is hired by Mike Kuhnhausen to murder his wife Susan but she turned the tables on him and he died by her hand, and he literally died in her hands! “She threw her left leg over his body, climbed up on top of him, and hooked her left arm around his neck and said unto him, Tell me who sent you here and i will call you a fucking ambulance! He said nothing. Instead, he growled. Susan leaned forward, tightening her forearm against his throat, crushing it, and he died.” Afterwards she got up and grabbed the hammer and went to a neighbor`s house to call 911.This was in September 6th of 2006. And the 200 women who killed Bharat Kalicharan on August 13th 2004, killed him not just to regain thier dignity as women, but also so that he would not be able to rape them again!
There was this very beautiful and cute and sexy young African American woman on August 27, 1974 named Joan Little. She had gone to prison for breaking and entering and larceny. While she was in jail this prison guard named Clarence Alligood forced her to perform oral sex at the point of an ice pick, afterwards she was able to seize the ice pick (after he let his guard down moments after he had orgasmed.) and the strength of Our Heavenly Father came upon her and she stabbed him 11 times in self-defense for trying to rape her! He wrestled her while she was stabbing him but given his wounded state she continued to stab him until she could get away. Joan Little was 5’2 and was 120 pounds and Clarence Alligood was over 6 feet tall and was 200 pounds, but because Our Heavenly Father increase her physical strength she was able to overcome and kill him in self-defense, of course she didn’t mean to kill him, she was just trying to protect herself! She got his keys and escaped, but she was later found and returned to prison after the trail had been done and she was proven to be innocent. She was released in 1979 after she had served her sentence for breaking and entering and larceny, ten years later she was arrested in Now York City for charges including driving a stolen car, she remained the night at Hudson County Jail and was realesed the next day.
And after Joan Little had escaped her cell to get away from Clarence Alligood (A prison guard.) He died while trying to tear the icepick from his heart, but it was in there so deep from Joan Little defending herself from him that he could not get it out, so he died! And the stab wound that Joan Little gave him in the heart in self-defense was the actual cause of his death!
Jael killed Sisera in self-defense to prevent herself from being raped.
And in Charleston West Virginia, there was this man named Dennis Butler who had an AR-15 and opened fire at a crowed of people attending a graduation party, when a certain woman ( Who was attending the party of about 40 people.) drew a pistol and fired at Butler, and he died. She saved lives that day including her own on May 25th of this year! And it took place near a Vista View Apartment Complex.
There is this woman named Mira O’Connell who killed this guy named Michael Magirl who in July 20th 2002 broke into her home and climbed into her bed with a flashlight pointed at her face, he than attempting to rape her in her home in Albuquerque New Mexico and he held her down with both of his hands and had a gun pointed at the left side of her chest. She tried to push the gun away from her with her left hand and tried to push him off with both of her hands and feet with some martial arts skills that she had learned. Than he said, ” Do you want to die?” Than the spirit of Our Heavenly Father came upon her and she wrestled the .38-caliber revolver away from her 170-pound attacker and rolled him onto the floor and than she fired three shots at him, two of them struck him in the upper torso and he died. She thought she had only injured him but later found out that she had killed him.
And also after Mrs.O’Connell (She got a divorce with her husband before the attack by Magirl.) survived the attack by Michael Magirl and killed him
in self-defense, she went on and became a police officer than a sergeant and she also dedicated herself to women’s rights and helping others!
And also Mrs. O’Connell earned a Bachelors of Science in Occupational Education and Criminal Justice at Wayland Baptist University,as well as a Masters of Arts in Business and security Management from Webster University. She speaks all over the Country about her story and teaches Safety Courses-Personal, Home, Auto and Fraud Prevention.
And doing her encounter with Michael Magirl, Mira remembered a move from her martial arts class, and this is also good for any woman in this situation. Plant one foot down,put one foot on his hip,kick him off in the direction of your foot that is planted. Still holding on to the gun, she did just that. It worked perfectly- and with the help of Our Heavenly Father, she overpowered him and wrestled the 38- caliber from him and she rolled his 170 or 175 pound frame off the bed and onto the floor. Before he could recover from his fall she pointed the gun at him and fired three times, She looked at her attacker, who was wedged between her bed,wall and floor. She reached out and tore off the stocking mask he wore, and knew that she had never scene him before. He looked at her dazed, with a somewhat surprised expression on his face. She ran to a neighbor’s house to call 911.
One of the three shots Mira fired at Magirl hit him in the upper chest,severing his aorta and the other on hit his arm. He had managed to crawl from the bedroom to the hallway, and he died. Girl power!!!!!!!!! And also because she took martial arts classes with her husband, it helped her in the situation that she was in with Magirl and The Heavenly Father gave her SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH as well! So husbands make sure that you all and your wives take self-defence classes together. You never know when you may not be able to be there to protect you wife! ( prayerfully that won’t happen!) And also never divorce your wife! (Which prayerfully won’t happen either, you all make sure that both of you stay faithful to one another!)
And also Mr. O’Connell was a police officer/sergeant for fifteen years, two years after she retired she became the new CEO of ERGO Grips(a company founded in 1996 by her father.) after her father Steve Hines stepped down.
Mira O’Connell has helped advance ERGO’s growth strategy,building capable teams around her which has brought the company considerable expansion in the competitive firearms marketplace. Mira has been instrumental in launching new ventures for the company and bringing ERGO Grips products to a worldwide audience!!!!!WWW.ERGOGRIPS.NET.
Before Michael Magirl was shot and killed in self-defense by Mrs.O’Connell,he had raped a female Air Force Captain while her children slept in an adjacent bedroom. He also raped other women, (And he attempted to rape a woman back in 1974!)and he committed more then about 30-33 burglaries,as well as attempted sodomy. This was all in Clovis, he would later go to Albuquerque where he would be shot and die at the hands of a woman,who is no other than the brave and heroic Mira O’Connell who is now the CEO of ERGOGRIPS! By killing him, she saved the lives of those that would’ve been his future victims as well! So for all of you men and women that need a certain grip for your gun go to http://WWW.ERGOGRIPS.NET to order one! And they also sell guns as well! So go there buy guns to protect yourselves, your families and others too!
My apologies, ERGOGRIPS does not sell guns,they only sell different types of grips for everyone’s guns! So everyone click on the link above to go to Mira O’Connell’s company website to buy grips for your guns, so that you all can have a firm grip when using your gun to defend your families, yourselves and others!
And the last heroine that I will mention who was in danger is Sarah McKinley who shot and killed this man Justin Martin with a 12 gauge shotgun the moment he broke into her house and he was armed with a haunting knife and he had this guy Dustin Stewart who was with him. And she also not only protecting herself,her baby too! ( Just like when Nichola Herschell saved herself and her baby by slaying Leslie Metcalfe, Justin Martin was not a boyfriend of Sarah McKinley. Her husband died a few days before the attack.) ! After she shot Justin Martin, Dustin Stewart ran away, but later turned himself in to police. Dustin Stewart is under house arrest forever and is wearing a tracking device on his ankle and has to stay 2000 feet away from Mrs. McKinley and is not allowed to leave the house.
And Ms. Armstrong you are wrong. Violence should be met with violence. This is the truth of Our Heavenly Father. That’s why Jael is blessed above women and women in the tents, because Sisera put her in danger by coming to her tent and he raped her, then afterwards told her to stand at the door and lie for him if anyone come near by. And Sisera was afraid that he would be Vought as a man in her tent and that it would be known that he uncovered Heber’s nakedness by ripping off his wife’s (Jael) clothes and raping her. So faced with the threat of death either from him or the Israelite soldiers that were after him, to kill him for his unspeakable crimes against Israelite women, she made a moral decision and killed Sisera with her tent peg and hammer to save herself and she saved future victims as well. Our Heavenly Father approves of violence, only when it is necessary!
In the KJV Hebrew-Greek Bible, look up the underlined words “had turned in” it means to take away or remove something. the word “Covered” means to cover one’s self. The words “brought forth” refers to armed conflict. The word “Bowed” means the bowing of a man over a woman for sexual intercourse, which was also adultery since Jael was Heber’s wife and the words “fell down” mean to attack, and it also means a violent death. So sisera went into Jael’s tent stripped her naked (she tried to cover herself but she couldn’t because he was stripping off her clothes, to rape her!) from head to toe, than stripped off his own clothes and pinned her down to the ground of her tent by both of her wrists using his hands and violently raped her! After the rape is finished than Sisera asks Jael to lie for him, since no man was supposed to enter the tent but her husband, and by going to her tent, he broke the rules of hospitality. And he had plans on kidnapping Jael and forcing her into sex slavery since Judges 5:30 Sisera’s evil mother talks about Sisera and his men kidnapping Israelite women and girls and stealing their jewelry and clothes and she thought that her son had won and was taking along time because if what they were doing, but she thought wrong her son Sisera literally got beaten up and killed by his last and final female victim, the heroic Jael. And this is why in Judges 5:24-27 Our Heavenly Father approves of her righteous violence! She took up for herself and saved what would’ve been future victims in the process! And she saved Israel as well!
And the other reason why those 200 women in India killed Akku Yadav(Bharat Kalicharan) was so that he wouldn’t be able to rape them again!
And this is my last comment, there is this woman named Bre Morgan who killed this man (Nicholas Tranchant, convicted sex offender) in self defense after he had tried to rape her! He was armed with a knife and he tried to rape her but she was able to get a hold of his knife and stab him instead! She was taken to a local hospital and Tranchant was also taken to a local hospital where he later died! The woman lived and she is a warrior and also a nurse!
And there was this 23 year old woman in Mexico, her name is Roxana Ruiz and the man that raped her is Sinai Cruz, she punched him in the face and found a T-shirt and strangled him to death! He had climbed into her bed and violently ripped off her clothes and was raping her, she killed him while he was raping her! She than but his body in a bag and dragged it outside where a police patrol cop arrested her! She was in Jail for a flew months or almost a year( 2021-2022?) and now she is free because she was proven to be innocent! She became the real life Superwoman when Our Heavenly Father increased her strength to fight back and kill her rapist! She is another great example for all women and girls! This is my last comment, so goodbye and be blessed! And Jael killed Sisera because he had been sexually abusing (raping)her and so when he came into her tent she killed him while he slept so that he couldn’t do it again( read Judged 4:17-21 than Judges 5:24-27 and than Judges 5:28-5:30! Our Heavenly Father smiles upon all of these women’s actions, and he helped some of them out by giving them SUPERHUMAN or SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH to protect themselves!
Sinai Cruz never thought that he would die in the feminine, soft, and beautiful hands of a beautiful young woman that he had raped and than was going to murder and she killed him while she had no clothes on since he violently tore off her clothes and raped her,and when she punched him in the face she left him a bloody nose before killing him, GIRL POWER! Roxana Ruiz put his body in a bag because in Mexico women don’t have the same rights like they do here in the United States, put thank Our Heavenly Father she is now free, the truth shall always stand! And here is a bible verse that shows that people ( including women and girls!) have a right to use deadly force to defend themselves from attackers who are trying to rape or murder them! KJV Bible Luke 22:36,”Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” This was Our Heavenly Father’s son talking! And here is a website about women in martial arts, I am going to marry a strong warrior woman like all of these women I have mentioned in all of these comments!
It’s sad that Ms. Ruiz was being raped, but at least he was not able to finish the rape thanks to Our Heavenly Father who gave her the SUPER STRENGTH to fight back, overpower and kill him! I will marry a strong and righteous warrior woman like all of the women that I have mentioned in all of these comments! ( Except for the fact that Joan Little put her self in the situation where she had to kill Clarence Alligood because she went to jail for breaking and entering so I would not want to marry a woman like her even though Our Heavenly Father increased her strength as well, but all of the rest of the women that I have mentioned on here did not put themselves in danger and I will marry a righteous, beautiful and feminine warrior woman like them! Peace out and may Our Heavenly Father bless you all!
I forgot to mention that back in 2009 there was this brave teenage girl named Rukhsana Kauser who killed this cell leader and terrorist Abu Osama in India in self-defence, here is her full story about how she completely dominated him! have a blessed day!