Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Have you ever said to yourself, I thought we’d have more time? If you’ve ever unexpectedly lost someone you loved, you’ve probably thought that. You thought they’d be there longer. You thought you could have one more conversation. Share one more cup of coffee. Laugh...

Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Here at Redbuds, we like to say we “create in community and foster a safe sisterhood of creatives.” There’s not a spirit of competition, but only one of building each other up and encouraging one another.

Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Dear Readers, It’s been a year, hasn’t it? We’re still dealing with Covid. We’ve lost some notable people like Loretta Lynn and Queen Elizabeth, and many of us have lost people only notable to us. And we feel their loss deeply. But we’ve also experienced some amazing...

Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Dear Readers, A little more than a year ago, when my youngest son was looking for an apartment to rent in Vermont, I closed my computer and prayed a desperate prayer: “Lord, I’ve done all I know how to do. I need you to show us the place you have for him.” Our son was...

Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Dear Reader, Recently I listened to an episode of one of my favorite podcasts, The Next Right Thing, with Emily P. Freeman. Emily interviewed Amanda Held Opelt, the sister of well known speaker Rachel Held Evans. Amanda lost her sister suddenly in May of 2019.  On the...

Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Dear Reader, When my grandson was born and I was helping his mom during those first days of motherhood, I hung out at their apartment with her so she wouldn’t be alone while my son was at work. I didn’t have much to do when she and the baby were napping–which was...

Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Dear Reader, A little more than five years ago, I stepped into a few major transitions in my life. My youngest child graduated from the parent-involved K-8 school where our family had been heavily involved for 15 years with all three of our children. I left the staff...

Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Dear Reader, I am blessed by a rare collection of close girlfriends. Most of us have known each other for more than a quarter century.  Two of us were even in each other’s weddings more than 30 years ago. There are seven of us, and we are from diverse parts of the...

Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Dear Reader, I love stories. I have been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. I devoured books late into the night–or rather the early hours of the morning–especially during summer months when I didn’t have to be up early for school the next day. My...

Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Dear Readers, In my 60 years of life, I have lived in 11 places, including my college apartment and a couple of short-term apartments: one when I moved to another city, one when I got married, and one when we moved to a new state. I’ve been in my current house for 22...

Stephanie Reeves
Stephanie Reeves is a native Californian transplanted to Florida in 1991 when her job with Cru moved her and her husband, David, there. Now Nana to 1 adorable grandson and mother of 3 humans, 1 dog, 2 cats, and multiple fish, Stephanie is a freelance writer and copyediter. She spent nearly 30 years as a writer, editor and copy editor for Cru's former magazine, Worldwide Challenge. Always looking for fodder for her blog, Stephanie spends time on social media and observing the world around her. Her deep desire is that her writing will draw people closer to Jesus. She has been published at FamilyLife.com, The Art of Taleh, and the Redbud Post and is a writer and content editor for Abide, the #1 Christian meditation app.

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