I wish I were that gal who regularly rose before the roosters to spend hours in Scripture and prayer. And when I wrestle with the fact that I don’t seem to be her, I vacillate between making weak excuses for why I don’t just get my poop in a group and feeling shame...
All Hashtags Are Not Equal: Why I Don’t Use #AllLivesMatter*
A friend on facebook pled, “I beg everyone not to use #alllivesmatter.” If someone else had asked me not to use the hashtag, someone hateful—who didn’t believe that all lives did matter—the request would have been easy to dismiss. But because it was from a friend I...
What Is The Truest Thing That Only You Can Say?
After Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson Missouri last year, I wondered how I was being called to respond. Though clear that God has equipped me to be a communicator—in print and in speech, sometimes with paint or film—I wasn’t sure what to say or how to say it. The...
A Rose By Any Other Name Is Harder to Google
This post is for our Redbud readers who write. Read on & comment below… With big plans to make my mark in the world as a writer, I naturally wanted my adoring fans to be able to Google me with ease. Suddenly the name I’d been perfectly happy with for eleven...