The Legacy of Female Prophets

The Legacy of Female Prophets

The Old Testament enthralls me: the poetry, the heat and sand, the incomprehensible language, the culture and mystery (Who was Cain’s wife? What are the Nephilim? What about Pangea and the dinosaurs?). But the characters I am supposed to identify most closely with—the...

A Cassette Tape Gave Me the Sex Talk

A Cassette Tape Gave Me the Sex Talk

My mother gave me the sex talk in fourth grade, only after my public-school teacher had shown the class an educational video on the topic, to my evangelical parents’ horror. So, to correct my public school’s overreach, my mother planned an excursion for her and me:...

Liz Charlotte Grant
Liz Charlotte Grant’s lyrical, raw voice beckons her readers to ask the toughest questions of faith and living. She studied creative writing (Wheaton College, 2009), and has published her nonfiction essays at Patheos, the Curator Magazine, On Faith, Mothers Always Write, Neutrons Protons, and Dappled Things (forthcoming), among others. She speaks about practical, on-the-ground faith issues to Jesus-loving church and MOPs groups. She’s currently editing a literary memoir in which she reckons with the healing power of God as she goes blind in one eye. Liz, her husband, and two wild children live in Denver. Follower her on Instagram and Facebook @LizCharlotteGrant and her website.

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