Can You See Anything Now?, a debut novel, follows a year in the small town of Trinity where the tragedy and humility of a few reveal the reality of people’s motivations and desires. ******* Chapter 1 Margie: early in the morning Of all of the ways that Margie...
What’s a Moose Got to Do with It?
A few weeks ago, my husband, Rick, and I were on our way to New Hampshire to be with a sweet friend of ours who was graduating from a discipleship program. I wasn’t in the best of moods because I was in a bit of pain due to my recently diagnosed spinal stenosis...
My Journey with a Prodigal
Five years ago, I called a 302 on my son. A 302 indicates to the police that someone is either a harm to himself or others. It allows the authorities to search for him and admit him for evaluation though he might not be in possession of drugs or even doing anything...
Day of the Lord & Co-pathy
Day of the Lord You have this thing that begins as a wave, Hurried thing, it takes to task the columns of unconvincing elation. Ever present regardless of the wind or the decisions of humane individuals eager for motive, and cause, and effect, and things...
Writing, Faith, and a Backyard Jesus
Sometimes I think of faith as a void and then I will immediately backtrack over my thoughts with what I have been told the answer is. I suppose that if faith is the size of a mustard seed, then it’s possible that it is so small that it’s imperceptible until it springs...