I’m a wife, mother, farmer and family physician, living the rural life in northwest Washington state. I’ve been chronicling life on the farm for over a decade, with an emphasis on raising our family in faithful stewardship to our God and to the land we call home for the time being. My Barnstorming blog reflects that covenant, through words and photography.
My writing is a mix of stories, personal essays, memoir, poetry, reflections, and meditations, some of which have now been published in Country Magazine by Reiman Publications/Readers Digest, in addition to regular medical opinion essays onKevinMD.com and as a guest writer for Her.menuetics. I have a published essay in an anthology called The Jane Effect: Celebrating Jane Goodall and poems and stories in other anthologies. I have collaborated with poet Lois Edstrom on a book of ekphrastic poems written to photographs I've taken: Almanac of Quiet Days