Cultivating Our Imagination in Marriage

Cultivating Our Imagination in Marriage

The late Yogi Berra, famed manager of the New York Yankees and master of nonsensical one-liners, is reported to have said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.” This is both ridiculous and profound, particularly as it pertains to life...

Living Out Loud

Living Out Loud

After my husband, Christopher, and I teach together, people often approach us and say, “You two are so vulnerable!” Their feedback is infused with equal parts awe and trepidation.  Their responses are correct. We do share vulnerably. In fact, we do more than teach out...

My Journey with Side-stepping the Truth

My Journey with Side-stepping the Truth

Confession is humbling, embarrassing, and at times, even mortifying. So why bother? Wouldn’t it be easier to simply hide our sins and pretend all is well? Denial might be easier, but if we want to get free from sin, confession needs to become a regular part of our...

Defend or Reconcile?

Defend or Reconcile?

My husband and I process conflict from opposite ends of the spectrum. When I’m angry, I become a hedgehog who curls up in a ball and tries to become invisible. He morphs into a loud, intense rhino with defensive tendencies. Without really being aware of it, we were...

10 Ways to Tame Your Social Media Craving

10 Ways to Tame Your Social Media Craving

Loneliness in the United States has now reached epidemic levels. A recent study by Cigna Health Service Company revealed that “two in five Americans sometimes or always feel that their relationships are not meaningful… and one in five report they rarely or never feel...

Fighting for Joy through Gratitude

Fighting for Joy through Gratitude

Throughout my 27-year marriage, my husband has encouraged me to get away at least once a year. I typically drive to a friend’s cottage, heavy laden with more books than any human could possibly get through in three days and spend my time reading, walking along the...

When It Seems God Doesn’t Answer

Our all-powerful, all-loving God encourages us to ask him for what we want. But sometimes, after we’ve put it out there, he seems to ignore us. We are then left with the unmet longings and needs that inspired our prayers, as well as questions about his purported...

10 Components of a Godly Apology

The apology seems to be at an all-time high, and simultaneously, an all-time low. Thanks to public figures such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anthony Weiner, Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Kristen Stewart, and David Petraeus, Americans have a grid for fallen humans...

Dorothy Greco
Dorothy Littell Greco writes about marriage and family, leadership, race, aging, and theology. She is the author of two books: Making Marriage Beautiful (David C Cook, Jan 2017) and Marriage in the Middle (IVP, winter 2020). She also works as a professional photographer. When she's not at her computer or behind her camera, Dorothy loves to kayak with her husband, bake paleo desserts, and go for long walks on the beach. You can find more of her work on her website or by following her on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. She is also a member of The Pelican Project. Twitter @dorothygreco FB: Words&Images by Dorothy Greco Website:

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