Work, Ministry, and Bricolage

Work, Ministry, and Bricolage

At times my bricolage does feel like a do-it-yourself project, as I’m still figuring out how everything fits together. Yet I’m also convinced that this unique combination of writing, editing, and speaking is God’s call on my life in this season. This is God’s bricolage for me.

9 Ways to Engage About Race

9 Ways to Engage About Race

When I was invited to join an online panel conversation about race, mutuality, and community, I wasn’t sure what to expect. All five panelists and our moderator were at least loosely part of the same Anabaptist blogging community, so we shared some basic...

Finding My Balance

Finding My Balance

As I moved through the buffet line, I tried to choose a well-balanced meal: half my plate for vegetables, one-quarter for protein, one-quarter for carbs. The selection of crisp salads, hot vegetables, perfect roast chicken, fresh bread, and rice made my dinner both...

23 Best Practices to Thrive in Church Ministry

23 Best Practices to Thrive in Church Ministry

When I first accepted my congregation's call to ministry, a friend from another church said, "I don't know whether to say congratulations or condolences." He was familiar with the stress that can come with any ministry. "I'm worried for you," he said. He didn't want...

April Yamasaki
April Yamasaki is an ordained minister with 25 years of experience in pastoral ministry. She is currently Resident Author with a liturgical worship community, editor of a quarterly devotional magazine for the Mennonite Church, and speaks widely in churches and other settings. She is the author of Four Gifts; Seeking Self-Care for Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength; Sacred Pauses: Spiritual Practices for Personal Renewal; and other books on Christian living. Her main website is Writing and Other Acts of Faith, where she writes on Scripture, prayer, and acts of faith in everyday life. Her second website is When You Work for the Church: the good, the bad, and the ugly, and how we can all do better, with a focus on ministry in churches and other Christian organizations. You can also find her on Twitter @SacredPauses, and on Facebook.

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