He Takes My Hand

R.C. Sproul recently said that he regretted that he didn’t hold his wife’s hand more often when she was alive, and that admission is what prompted this post. *****  I don’t know how or when it started, but I would guess that it was after a fight.  You know how some...

Letters to My Daughters: God’s Word

Dear Daughters, From the day each of you was born, I felt a deep responsibility to prepare you for the world in which you will live. I’ve tried to model for you what I believed to be best for your life, but, on occasion (OK, many occasions), I have failed. Oh boy,...

Let’s Talk About Plagiarism

I don’t write much about my classes or about being a professor or about my life at an academic institution. Some of that is because I’ve never been comfortable being called “Professor”-anything and some of that is because the stories from my classroom are just...


Courage whispered the autumn leaf He, born of spring’s budding hope commissioned for summer’s verdancy yet most glorious in decline Courage urged the autumn leaf As he, in trust and gratitude released his hold once, and for all surrendered into the wind...


It is time to draw near again To come home to You, to what is deep within me, and to those who gather around me To watch and to wait; to be open, to surrender, to accept To seek out peace, quietness, meditation, and prayer. For I will be encompassed, consumed As joy...

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