Just a Little More Beauty, Lord

Just a Little More Beauty, Lord

Just a little more beauty, Lord. That’s what I’m asking from you. I’m not begging for a model’s thighs or to wear a slim size two. Smooth out these rolls, this dimply skin, lift up some sag, if you will. Wipe out each stretch mark too please, Lord. I know you have the...
When I Wanted Someone to Complete Me

When I Wanted Someone to Complete Me

When I was thirty-two, there was only one thing missing from my life, but that one thing seemed so important that the lack of it darkened all the other good. I was in a great career—I was teaching theology and Bible to college students and taking them on international...
A Questionnaire for an Estranged Mother

A Questionnaire for an Estranged Mother

Five years ago, my estranged mother passed away, leaving me to navigate the grief of our lost and unhealed relationship with little assistance. In order to make peace with a broken past and learn to forgive, I collected a list of unanswered questions that went to the...

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